Sarkis, “The Watercolor Fountain” – Arte all’Arte, 2003
Piazza Matteotti
Sarkis was born in Istanbul in 1938 and lives in Paris since 1964.
He attended a lot of international appointments such as two editions Documenta Kassel and three of Biennale di Venezia, and exposed his artworks all over the world. Sarkis’ gratest quality as an artist is his ability to mix his culture with the contemporary tradition of western art, always with elements of the place in which is called to work. Also the techniques he uses are mixed, to create something new with old and modern methods.
His work for Arte all’Arte recalls of one of his favourite themes: the relationship between color and trasparency – the light, the depth, the trasformation, all of this studied by the use of watercolors. In a square of Poggibonsi Sarkis puts a particular fountain made up by 12 little basins that can be used by everyone as containers for the watercolors. A ritual, a game, a creative commitment that had in Sarkis himself its first user and that remain to be used by whoever wants.